Not my commute, but I do something similar by biking to the park and ride then the 980 bus to West Falls Church then on to DC.
Here is my timelapse from DC through georgetown to West Falls Church
Not my commute, but I do something similar by biking to the park and ride then the 980 bus to West Falls Church then on to DC.
Here is my timelapse from DC through georgetown to West Falls Church
On a more positive note Maryland is proposing a series of interconnected dual use trails through out the state. Wash Cycle has the scoop
This summer, Maryland started a plan that would establish a safe, accessible and fully interconnected network of “dual-use” trails across Maryland.
Read more about the trails at the Baltimore Sun and the Maryland DOT sites
The Baltimore Sun is reporting on MTA’s plans to cut some routes on commuter buses, and MARC trains.
The Maryland Transit Administration is proposing to eliminate six commuter bus routes, reduce the number of rides on others and cut back on its increasingly popular MARC train service as a result of severe revenue shortfalls, the O’Malley administration announced today.
Was it only last year that MARC were talking about introducing weekend services
Its a shame that MTA doesn’t really understand how to build a sustainable public transit system. They have all the right bits, MARC, MTA Buses, Light Rail but they don’t link well together.
I wish that the DC/VA/MD Olympics bid had been come reality as it would have enabled the DC Baltimore area to build a high speed rail link between the cities. I have seen the benefit of linking major cities with frequent high speed rail and there is no reason why DC and Baltimore couldn’t see similar gains from such a service.
It seems that DC Metro may have been affected by the collapse of AIG. StreetBlog looks at the affect of AIG on transit leasing, they quote the Philly Inquirer
The trouble stems from leasing arrangements made years ago between transit agencies and lenders in which the banks bought transit equipment and facilities, such as railcars and stations, and leased them back to the agencies.
The transit agencies got much-needed cash, and the banks got tax benefits. In 2003, the tax benefits from those kinds of transactions were prohibited by the IRS.
AIG served as the insurer of many of those deals. The collapse of AIG downgraded its credit rating, allowing the lenders to demand full payment from the transit agencies if the agencies did not quickly find other insurers.
The Washington Post says the Washington Metro needs to pay back 43 Million.
In Metro’s case, the regional transit agency could face up to $400 million in payments, the system’s chief financial officer, Carol Kissal, said in an interview yesterday. One bank, KBC Group of Belgium, has told Metro that it needs to pay $43 million by next week. Metro officials confirmed the details but declined to name the bank.
This is a sad time when public transit is at a all time high.
While working in DC I was able to to put my bike on the 980 bus in Herndon and then bike from West Falls Church to DC. While traveling in China last month my contract came to an unexpected screeching halt. So I now find my self looking for a new job and as a byproduct a new commute.
The Strongest contender at the moment is in Tysons Corner, but they don’t have shower facilities which will officially suck in the summer.
So now I am looking for the best way to get there by bike. My first thought was W&OD trail from Herndon to Gallows Road, then up Gallows to International Drive. Another option might be to hit 123 north. On looking at the Fairfax bike map more closely I came up with a third plan but I don’t really know the roads so not sure if there are any gotchas that I am missing.
Also if anyone has any leads on shower facilities near Tyson’s Mall please let me know, I checked with fitness first, but they don’t offer a shower and locker only plan.